Techniques for a positive birth


The Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Program educates and prepares expecting parents for a calm and empowered birth experience. Learn the science behind birth and how to work with your body and your mind to face pain, fear and uncertainty in labour.

Knowledge is power and we fear the unknown. This course covers all bases and respects all preferences – leaving you feeling prepared and excited for your baby’s arrival.


Holistic advocacy

birth support

The role of a birth doula is to provide physical and emotional support during pregnancy and birth, as well as evidence-based information to help you get clear on what is important to you.

A doula’s presence is non-medical. They will support your pregnancy, respect your preferences, advocate for you and teach you how to advocate for yourself. They are your cheer squad and believe in you! There are also postpartum doulas who support new mothers in their transition to parenthood. A doula is an incredibly valuable resource to have on your team!

birth support

The role of a birth doula is to provide physical and emotional support during pregnancy and birth, as well as evidence-based information to help you get clear on what is important to you.

A doula’s presence is non-medical. They will support your pregnancy, respect your preferences, advocate for you and teach you how to advocate for yourself. They are your cheer squad and believe in you! There are also postpartum doulas who support new mothers in their transition to parenthood. A doula is an incredibly valuable resource to have on your team!